Third Street Music School Settlement

Our Pillars

Expertise & Guidance

The teachers at Third Street Preschool are truly second to none due to their unwavering dedication to the holistic development of each child. They prioritize fostering a sense of inquiry, nurturing a strong sense of belonging, and instilling a lifelong love of learning in their students. With a combination of expertise, compassion, and creativity, the teachers at Third Street Preschool leave an indelible mark on each child's educational journey, making them truly exceptional.

Intentional Play

Intentional play is celebrated at Third Street Preschool as a powerful tool for learning and growth. Play is recognized as a medium through which children develop creativity, social skills, and cognitive abilities. Through guided and imaginative play, children explore their interests, express themselves freely, and build a strong foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

Music & Art

Music and the arts play a prominent role in the educational experience at Third Street Preschool. Recognizing the transformative power of artistic expression, the school encourages students to explore their creativity and self-expression through various artistic mediums. Whether through music, visual arts, or performing arts, children are given the opportunity to develop their artistic talents, fostering a well-rounded and enriched educational experience.

Sustainability & Environment

The commitment to sustainability is woven into the very fabric of the educational experience. It begins within the classroom, where students learn about the importance of eco-friendly practices and kid-sized environmental stewardship. This dedication extends seamlessly to the Learning Garden, where children actively engage in a "seed to table" curriculum. Here, they witness the full cycle of food production, from planting and nurturing seeds to harvesting and ultimately enjoying the fruits of their labor at mealtime.

This hands-on approach not only imparts essential lessons about sustainable living but also instills a sense of responsibility and respect for the environment from a young age.

Inclusive Community

Third Street Preschool boasts a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to nurturing young minds through a holistic approach to education. This means we value families and their home cultures.

In a world filled with diverse perspectives and unique experiences, we learn to respect and value that which exists, not only within our families but in the broader world as well. It is within the embrace of family that we learn to appreciate the beauty of individual differences, where every child is celebrated for their uniqueness.

Equity & Belonging

Equity and belonging are fundamental principles deeply woven into the fabric of Third Street Preschool's community. The school is committed to creating an environment where every child, regardless of their background or abilities, feels a strong sense of inclusion and belonging. Through a focus on empathy and respect, the preschool fosters a culture of understanding and acceptance, ensuring that each child's unique identity is celebrated. By prioritizing equity and belonging, the school equips students with vital social and emotional skills that serve as the foundation for a more compassionate and equitable society.

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